well, you gotta start somewhere

Ever since I was a small child I've always loved performing. When I was four I won a Year's supply of “rice Crispy Treats” because Mom filmed me singing the jingle out on the porch. No one ever tells you that they all show up all at one time.

When I was six I was asked to do a commercial for the local car dealership that otherwise used the local varsity cheer squad. Acting was never on my radar. My mother is an accountant, my father, a local contractor, and home: Clanton, alabama. Clanton had 9,000 people in it at that time. I didn't even know being an actor was an option. One Oscar-nominated movie, eleven films, and a handful of TV Shows later,

here I am.

If you'd like to hear more stories on some of the projects i've been apart of, be sure to check out the Behind the scenespage!

And, if you're into music, be sure to slide on over to those pages because it's just as big of a part of my life as any,

Or better yet, catch me play sometime.

Y'all take care,


Grayson Russell

pot shots with Captain Krause on the set of "greyhound" (2018)

Headlining A show at Johnny cash's farm ca. 2021

THE "Diary of a wimpy kid" TRILOGY (2010 - 2012)